Thursday, May 10, 2012

Painting Sheep XI: Stages 1-6, Completed

I thought I was done with the "sheep theme"portion of my painting studies of Northern England.

But I was wrong.


Just when I am convinced there is not a single new sheep painting left in me, I get re-inspired.

The memories of this ewe came clearly back to me. It was a beautiful day. We were traveling by car, on our way back from a nearby village. The sun's light was shimmering on the backs of the sheep as we passed them by. I couldn't resist this scene and my daughter, Emily, clearly understood. I moaned that I didn't bring my camera. But Emily had hers. "Here," she said, "Take my camera and you can walk the rest of the way home."
As I was randomly photographing the sheep in the pasture, this ewe caught my attention. She seemed curious and trotted up to me, baaaa-ing as she came. Her boldness was unexpected. I laughed nervously. Suddenly, I was glad there was a stone fence separating us; it gave us each boundaries.

Sheep Painting Study XI
10x8", Oil on canvas
Rita Salazar Dickerson
It seems like it was just yesterday that I was there. The air was crisp and the sky was blue. As I turned to leave, this ewe became the leader as she and the rest of the sheep escorted me to the end of their pasture. They stood at their gate and watched me walk away. It was a beautiful walk home.

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